Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Have A Cigar, you're gonna go far

If you like Cigars, (and water) then you'll like this post. I'll explain.

Using code: CA1000 on This Site, you'll get your favorite? cigar for $1.00

Now, what I can't tell you....what I won't tell you, is where I found such a code.

Hee hee. Beakie has a secret. Maybe not The Secret but a secret. I feel so cool =\

Back to grading for me. Crimaney these kids are dumb. And no, it wasn't due to poor teaching, I assure you!

Now, to the water...
**Back to training yesterday. Just 30 minutes on the elliptical and some weights. Might hit the pool today, might not. Still very tired (lack of sleep) and sore (lack of recovery) but we'll see =)

Also, I'm going to be getting a Water Aerobics class together if anyone is interested. I have a few entries already but am always interested in more. Classes forming now.


honeykbee said...

Whew. I'm so glad I didn't wear my purple grannie bikini for that race. I hate it when I show up for one of these events and someone else is already wearing my purple grannie bikini.

Miss Scarlet said...

love that song!

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