Tuesday, January 23, 2007

From Sunday - Spike n' Mike

So I'm more like 15-20 posts away from 500, now that I went through and compiled all my old drafts into one SPECIAL EDITION posting so you'll just have to hold your applauze in a little bit longer.

Moving on, Had a great evening last night.

I found out that if you smoke enough of it, it is possible to get super high with this dirt-ass weed that seems to be the only thing going. If this is a result of the shitty crop season that has been the past few years, then more people need to invest in hydroponic systems. I would but I'm no drug dealer. I just want a decent smoke when I get the chance to partake. Too much to ask for a 30 yr-old? (Retorical)

So after hiding with Sarah for an hour in the art room, bingers taken, joint burnt, we head out into the blustering winter winds that Georgetown at 11pm had to offer for a cig.
Many another person was down there, but in my condition, I was in no mood to deal with other people. I huddled up and puffed away, while Sarah gave me eyes of shear panic that read "Don't leave me alone with these nut cases." I told her how I made plans with my girlfriend so I had to run off.

Once in the car, the adventure began.

Most people wouldn't have any problems finding their way around Arlington, and neither did I but I can't say it wasn't an adventure. When is driving ripped, not an adventure. Plus, I was trusting Mapquest.com directions. Nothing more needed to say on that topic as we all know what a crapshoot of luck it is when they actually get something right.

Well, if you trust in the force, Yoda help you to the finish line as each of the turns I needed to make after crossing Key Bridge was found just as I was about to give up and turn around at the same light where I was supposed to turn. (I have a problem with Virginia not having adiquate signage)

Final I found it: The Arlington Cinema N' Draft House

The best parts of the night.....well, there were many. Finding the damn place was fun as hell. Driving around all blasted and listening to Sirius. Highly recommended (as long as you can drive well under the influence. Me, it helps to relax my driving)

More than that was that my bear (a highlight of the evening, in and of herself =) and I were really early, so we got perfect seats being that we were the 4th couple in and got to relax for a few minutes and chat before the show.

Yingling and cigarettes (and Captain...Kangerooo.) during an animation fest. Excellent Saturday night date. And I picked our activity for once! That's right, I took my head outta my ass far enough to find us something fun to do. (It's a goal of mine: Be more proactive in finding our social activities)

So we had a great time. and I highly recommend seeing the short-films if you get a chance. Don't ask me when it's coming back to the east coast as I felt luck enough to find it randomly in the Post. The place wasn't even full and for $5.75/ticket, how could you beat this? That is, unless you're single and have the need to go to bars and hit on random chicks, etc etc. $5.75 even cover one beer these days?

1 comment:

honeykbee said...

Wait-- you have to be single to go to bars and hit on random chicks? Since when??

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