Thursday, August 17, 2006

Half-Nekkid Thursdays are what 'Feel Good'

Welcome HNTbutton to the 'Feel Good' Production.
Fits the 'Feel Good' theme, no? Well, Let's get to it!

Ok, so I'm getting new to this thing, but from the rules that I read on the site, this would fit within the parameters.

Those of you who thought I'm gonna have naked girls (or guys), you'll be sorely mistaken. If there is ever nudity, the title will give it away.

I have no intent of trying to join the world of online porn. As we all know, there are plenty of sites for that.

Boobie Fridays are good for other sites too.
Hope you enjoyed the first 'Feel Good' Nekkid Thursday


I-66 said...

Wait. So we're not actually supposed to get nekkid? Guess I should put my clothes back on...

honeykbee said...

bare arm? I know I'm not disappointed!!

Anonymous said...

i'm just happy to see a blog without a pic of me getting nekkid....

Ashburnite said...

wait, so you aren't going to be doing "Boobie Fridays"?? why not?

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