Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Day of Reflection

As I looked over the pacific, I dreamed of a day of Hope.
A day that would include the dawning of a new day. A new city.
Maybe even a realized dream.
As I complete my final paper toward my educational career,
Maybe today it is time to revisit dreams.
A day of Optimism.
*Inspired by HKBee as she begins her new job
**Inspired by Picturing Washington
***Inspired by a feeling of relief, how ever brief


Scottie said...

I think that photo should be written up alongside baby Jessica, Michael Jackson's "i'm innocent pic", OJ's glove, Brad Pitt's Penis, and Nick Nolte's mugshut in the "Most Over-used Photograph in History" special on VH1. hehehehehe ;-)

honeykbee said...

Optimism, huh? Careful there. It's the quickest way to disappointment.


honeykbee said...

You know what ? That's a really, really good poem.


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