Monday, June 27, 2005

Been a long time...Been a long time...Been a long lonely lonely lonely.....

Nothing like gettin' the Led out

Now, back to the business of bloggin' Missed you folks.

So, what's gone on?

The school year is over. So unemployment has begun, and no, I'm not happy about it. I don't do well with nothing to do. I need the $$ too. I mean, shit, you think teachers don't make anything? Unemployed ones make jjuussstt less, but enough less, ya know?
Not to mention the mental state it brings. At least for me. (Gotta love that depression thing) Stupid brain. Why couldn't I be born "normal"?

Whatever. As I said, I made this situation. I'll get myself outta it. Always do.

Speaking of, gonna go do that now, but before I go I'll leave you all with a few things to look over. TTFN


TWO old I know

Where my cousin is going to live

A bit early but...



honeykbee said...

I'm surprised he had any left by the time he got there.

Johhny Glow, works for me! Hallelujah I can see where I pee!

Anonymous said...

this post is very usefull thx!

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